School Photography Images


Experience the convenience of online ordering, direct-to-home shipping, and complimentary school services with your next school photography session! We offer an unbeatable photographic experience for students, parents, and schools.

With our superior service, making your next school Picture Day a stress-free and enjoyable event has never been easier! Arrow Right ThinLEARN MORE ABOUT OUR SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES


Our experienced photographers have the experience and resources to provide you with exceptional youth sports photography services. We can take amazing shots, no matter how big or small your league is.

With our expertise and eye for detail, you can rest assured we’ll meet all your youth sports photography needs! Arrow Right ThinLEARN ABOUT YOUTH SPORTS PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES

Sports Players Taking Their Photographs

Shoob Photo South & Our History

Shoob Photo South has been a cornerstone in the California photography industry for over a century. Established by two brothers in 1918, our locally owned and family-operated business has evolved alongside all phases of photography technology, from film to digital downloads.

We are proud to be an integral part of the local photographic community in Merced and take tremendous pride in maintaining our esteemed reputation amongst our clients! Arrow Right ThinLEARN MORE ABOUT SHOOB PHOTO SOUTH